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Hearing loss is a condition in which your ears cannot hear sounds, as well as they normally would. Hearing loss can be caused by ear infections, exposure to loud noises, aging and disease.
Hearing loss can be temporary or permanent. If you experience temporary hearing loss, your ability to hear will return once the cause of the problem has been removed or treated. For example, if you are exposed to very loud noise for long periods of time (ex: at concerts), it may take about 24 hours after leaving the concert for your ears to recover their ability to hear sounds normally again.
The following are some of the methods you can use to prevent hearing loss:
If you suspect that you have hearing loss, visit your hearing health care provider immediately. They can perform a hearing test and help determine the severity of your condition. Even if the results show that there are no immediate concerns, they will recommend ways to protect against further damage such as wearing earplugs when working in loud environments or using a cell phone headset.
If you do have hearing loss and choose to purchase hearing aids, make sure they are compatible with your lifestyle and budget by discussing options with an experienced hearing health care provider who has a wide range of styles available (including over-the-counter aids). In addition, visit our page on how to select the right set of hearing devices for more information about finding the right fit for you!
As you age, your hearing becomes less acute. This is normal, but it can also be prevented to some extent. The first step is to protect your ears from loud sounds, such as those caused by loud music or the use of power tools. You can do this by wearing earplugs at concerts, sporting events, and other places where there are high decibel levels.
If you smoke cigarettes, quitting will help keep your hearing intact as well. Smoking causes buildup in the inner ear and decreases blood flow to that area—two things that lead directly to damaged hearing ability. Even if you don't smoke now (or never did), avoiding secondhand smoke is also beneficial for protecting your hearing over time because it reduces irritation inside the ear canal which could otherwise cause damage later on down the line when things get worse if left untreated now while they're only mild symptoms now instead of full-blown disease later like cancer from smoking cigarettes or cigars regularly over many years.
If you are experiencing hearing loss, following the steps above to get tested and treated will benefit you. If you notice one of these things happening on a regular basis, then it's time to make an appointment with our Hearing Health Care Providers.
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