Announcement - New Address for Livonia Location | 34728 Plymouth Rd. Livonia, MI 48150


 (734) 985-2965


(734) 521-4092


 (810) 819-3238

Announcement - New Address for Livonia Location | 34728 Plymouth Rd. Livonia, MI 48150


 (734) 985-2965


(734) 521-4092


 (810) 819-3238

Everything You Need to Know About Hearing Aids

Hearing Aid Maintenance

Let us help you clean ear wax and other debris from your hearing aids without harming them. Hearing Deopt provides professional training and tools for the care and maintenance of hearing aids. Most of the hearing aid models can be repaired by Hearing Depot. If necessary, your hearing aids are sent to the manufacturer for factory repair. We will provide you with loaners while you wait. 

Hearing Aid Fitting

Let us help you hear more clearly with the best fitting technology. Real-Ear Measurements are part of the hearing aid fitting process. 

Hearing Aid Brands

We collaborates with the world's best hearing aid brands, so you receive the highest-caliber hearing devices.

Phonak Life is On

Conversations are at the heart of life. A baby hearing their parents’ lullaby, a child being asked a question in class, a businesswoman hearing the important questions during a meeting or an elderly couple reminiscing about a well-loved movie together. Our hearing solutions open the door to a world in which all people can create meaningful relationships and enjoy a greater state of social-emotional, cognitive and physical well-being.

Hearing Aid Types

There are many distinctive designs and types of hearing aids to counter hearing loss. What each hearing aid can accomplish for you varies only a little. Therefore, the results of your hearing test and your way of living will determine what type of hearing aid is best for you.

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