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Meet the newest custom styles on the Blu platform. With InseraTM ITEs, your clients don’t have to miss out on the sounds of adventure. Because no matter the journey, the personalized fit of Insera is right there with them – immersing them in sound along the way. Amazing experiences come out of the Blu.
Meet Insera Offering flexibility and allowing for choice of size, function and features based on your client’s needs and preferences, Insera ITEs provide
Insera on the Blu platform offers our latest in sound performance, connectivity and personalization, giving you the ability to meet the needs and preferences of even more clients.
Behind-the-Ear (BTE) styles are appropriate for people of all ages and fit the widest range of hearing loss. Designed to fit behind the outer ear, BTE hearing aids offer a discreet solution, while providing the most amplification.
The receiver-in-canal (RIC) style is an open fit hearing aid that sits behind your ear and feeds sound through a thin tube that connects to your ear canal.
The ITC custom hearing instrument is designed to fit in the lower third of the external ear and is ideal for users with limited dexterity. It is suitable for users with slight to severe hearing losses.
CIC Hearing Aids (CIC) are worn completely in your ear canal, and are a discreet and—often more affordable—option. CIC hearing aids are custom fit to your unique anatomy using an ear canal impression to achieve maximum comfort and sound quality.
Invisible-in-Canal (IIC) hearing aids are the smallest invisible hearing aids available, and they are most suitable for people with mild-to-moderate hearing loss. Sitting deep inside the ear, the custom style is so small that there simply isn’t room for extra powerful speakers and stronger processing power. Completely-in-Canal (CIC) and In-the-Canal (ITC) invisible hearing aids are popular choices for those with mild-to-moderate hearing loss who want a little more control over their hearing aids.
We proudly dispense, service and repair, Unitron hearing aids. Contact us to learn if Unitron Insera™ hearing aids are the right fit for you.
We look forward to hearing from you.
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